
Maya McQueen

You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You’re gonna find, yes, you will
That you’re beautiful as you feel

About Maya

Maya McQueen is currently a senior pursuing a BFA in Musical Theatre. Born and raised in the “Emerald City”, she will always call Seattle home. However, you can currently find her battling the harsh winters of the Midwest as she finishes her last year at Indiana University Bloomington. Maya is a working actor and has been lucky enough to have performed at numerous educational, regional, and professional theatres. 

I am so honored to be apart of this project and to get the opportunity to sing such an iconic and timeless song. “Beautiful” by Carole King has always held a special place in my heart. Carole’s lyrics always seem to ring so true and be exactly what you need to hear, no matter what is going on in your life. Particularly in 2020, with all the chaos and craziness that is occurring in the world, it is so amazing that we have words like Carole’s to guide us through and help us find some light. I hope you enjoy listening to Tapestry: Revisited!
— Maya

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